Love to feel the joy and beauty life brings?
Do you desire...
to have a greater understanding
to feel a deeper connection
to have fun and laughter
to feel the joy and spontaneity
to have more patience
...with yourself and your child/children?
I AM HEre to support you
and your child/children.
Your body knows how to heal itself.
Cranio Sacral Therapy facilitates your body to do
what it's already trying to do
- be in harmony.
"It was a turning point for her"
"I took my 13 year old daughter to Kathy for Cranio Sacral Therapy. My daughter is Dyslexic and had been struggling with reading (even though I am a teacher) since she started school. After some sessions with Kathy, she seemed to be able to retain more information and relax with a book. It was a turning point for her and allowed her to read more fluently with less mistakes. She still remembers going to the therapy and how good she felt each time."
- Pam Atkinson
"WOW…Kathy’s intuition was spot on, I instantly felt my body releasing immense tension"
"I had suffered tension headaches, sustained from child hood head injuries. There were other minor ailments at that time. E.g Poor sleeping patterns. So the sessions started…my first experience …WOW…Kathy’s intuition was spot on, her hands were like magnets, she hardly touched my scalp/head and I could feel the pulsation of my scalp moving. I instantly felt my body releasing immense tension especially in the back of my shoulders. Thank you Kathy, the quality of my life in many areas had improved immensely and the layers of healing, that you helped me through continue to have beneficial effect on my health and life."
- Kim Farr
"He felt so fulfilled and happy, he said he'd like to do an INAMOJO class every day now! :)"
"Wow, Arlo was sooooo happy! He loved the class and skipped back to the car - so happy! Quite unusual, considering it was after a big day at school and he was physically tired. He felt so fulfilled and happy, he said he'd like to do an INAMOJO class every day now! :)
After that, he fell asleep, into a deep, healing, integrating sleep. I couldn't wake him for dinner, nor did he wake up when I got him ready for bed. He slept straight through until 6.45am this morning - waking happy and content.
Wow! So so unusual and so good! He asked me if you're going to continue offering these classes now?"
- Sand Mew ( Arlo's Mum) - The Footprint Connection